October was a remarkable month for Bytown. As your Worshipful Master, I visited with the brethren of Fidelity Lodge No. 650 in St. Lawrence District. During
my travels, I met a fellow mason who invited me to share the friendship of his Lodge. It was a great night of meeting new masons and seeing the work of the evening performed in a fantastic manner. On October 10, Bytown held its second CGP of the masonic year and plans are moving along very well.
I hope Thanksgiving gave you the chance to give thanks and be given thanks for all the blessings in your lives. I was fortunate to be able to share my weekend with many family members at our camp just outside of Bracebridge, Ontario. While the turkey and brisket were cooking, I made use of all those present with the annual tasks needing done before the snows of winter block us from our daily chores.
During our Regular meeting on October 17, we welcomed our DDGM, R.W. Bro. Neil Blain to Bytown for his Fraternal Visit.
I would also like to acknowledge the hard labours of V.W. Bros. Macdonald and Ingraham, and Bro. Bosche for preparing the fabulous Festive Board we enjoyed that evening. It doesn’t seem to matter how many turkey dinners you get; it gets more enjoyable each and every time. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge V.W. Bro. Glenson Jones for putting together a historical summary of how Bytown Lodge was formed 55 years ago.
On the morning of October 19, Ottawa Districts 1 and 2 held a Masters, Wardens and Officers Workshop at Westboro Masonic Temple, which was well attended by Bytown brethren. Lastly, on October 30, a number of our members attended ‘Theatre of the Apprentice: Emulation of EA Degree’ hosted by Ionic Lodge.
Looking ahead to November, the DDGM will have official visits at Ashlar Lodge on November 1, and at Ionic Lodge on November 13. At Bytown, we will have our CGP on November 14 followed by a practice for a First Degree. Our Regular Meeting on November 21 will be our yearly Remembrance Service where we will pay our respects to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. The brethren who have served in our armed forces are welcome to wear their earned medals. Lastly, on November 23, Westboro Masonic Temple Limited will celebrate 100 years of Masonry and their anniversary.
In closing I continue to look forward to this year and to enhance Bytown’s reputation with your assistance. May the Great Architect continue to guide us in our labours and inspire us to strive toward the ideals of Freemasonry.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
W. Bro. Peter Ruttan
Worshipful Master, Bytown Lodge