Bytown Bulletin – Vol. 44, No. 3

In this Issue:

  • Message from the East
  • Robbie Burns Night
  • Christmas Potluck
  • Our Lodge Celebrates a Birthday
  • Degree at Owl’s Head Mountain
  • Bytown Lodge’s 55th Anniversary
  • Blood Donor Clinic
  • Photo Gallery

It is hard to believe that it was only six months ago that I was installed as the Worshipful Master of Bytown Lodge. These past months have

Peter Ruttan WM, Bytown Lodge

been full of activities, laughs, and work—with more to come with our annual Robbie Burns event on January 18, our official visit on February 20, and our annual chili cook-off on April 26.

It is true what has been told to me by the lodge’s Past Masters: “The year will go by so fast, once you figure you finally have a handle on things, your term is over!”

As we look back on the activities of the past months and look to the events over the next few, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season. Our order is made up of many faiths, but the strings that bind us all together are hope, charity and brotherly love.

Robbie Burns Night Sold Out
Tickets for one of Bytown Lodge’s most popular annual Signature Events, our Robbie Burns dinner, are completely sold out. If you missed your opportunity to snag one of the 80 tickets, there’s always next year. We look forward to seeing you there.

Date: January 18, 2025
Doors open: 6:00 PM
Dinner:7:00 PM
Location: Westboro Masonic Hall
430 Churchill Avenue North
For questions, please contact the organizers, V.W. Bro. George Ingraham and Bro. Sandy Mackie.

A View of the Origins of Bytown Lodge 721
In honour of our lodge’s 55th birthday, V.W. Glenson Jones read aloud this essay about the origins of Bytown Lodge, offering a rich account of the lodge’s origins:

This is not a history. Rather, it is a 5-minute snapshot of how Bytown Lodge came to be. 

In the beginning there was a void, and that void was recognized by a small group of Canadian Veterans who happened to be Freemasons.
In 1966-1967, R.W. Bro. Colin Lillico, DDGM of the Ottawa District, devised a project in honour of the coming Centennial of Canada. It would be to organize a new Craft Lodge to be a mother Lodge for a number of unattached masonic veterans in the Ottawa area.

Forming a new Lodge would have a positive influence on Masonry in the Ottawa area because it would increase the number of local Lodges to 30 which would allow the Ottawa District to be separated into two separate Districts. This would make the job of being a D.D.G.M. easier and would allow more Masons to be involved in District activities. (More)

Annual Degree at Owl’s Head Mountain

Dozens of brethren from across the country and elsewhere enjoyed a beautiful day at the end of September at the annual outdoor degree in Quebec. Owl’s Head, a well-known ski hill, offers an incredible view of Lake Memphremagog and overlooks the Eastern Townships in Quebec.

See our photo gallery below

2025 Blood Donor Clinic      

Plans are under way for a local blood donor clinic organized by Bytown Lodge, tentatively for Saturday,
March 22nd.

There is a time window during which healthcare officials advise not to give any blood several weeks before and following the clinic. If you intend to roll up your sleeve at the clinic, men are urged to suspend other blood between donations between January 25th and March 22nd and women are encouraged to hold off making any other blood donations earlier, between December 28th and March 26th.

You can check your eligibility to give blood by doing the eligibility quiz.
There is also a section on their website where you can find more information about eligibility.

This brochure will give you additional important information about blood donation.

The minimum age to donate blood is 17 years-old.  We’ll keep you up to date in the coming months. Blood supplies often run low during the summer because of out of town vacations. You’ll never know who your donation will help, however, you are guaranteed it will help someone.

Editor’s Note

As we close out 2024, we are already working on plans and logistics for the New Year. 2025 holds much promise for us, such as our signature events mentioned in this issue of the Bytown Bulletin, more degree work, delicious Festive Board meals, fellowship, visitation and more. Our officers who are in their chairs for the 2024-2025 year have already begun to prepare for their progression up the line.
Bro. Howard Schwartz

Photo Gallery

Nov, 2024 Vol 4 No 3 Slide show